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Jérome IDIER
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Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] G. Giroussens, S. Labouesse, M. Allain, T. Mangeat, L. Mazzella, L. Le Goff, A. Sentenac, J. Idier. Fast super-resolved reconstructions in fluorescence random illumination microscopy (RIM). In IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging ; éd. IEEE, 2024.
- [2] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, M. Allain, G. Giroussens, T. Mangeat, A. Sentenac. Super-resolution capacity of variance-based fluorescence microscopies, from Random Illumination Microscopy (RIM) to Super-resolved Optical Fluctuation Imaging (SOFI). In Physical Review A ; éd. American Physical Society, 2024.
- [3] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, M. Allain, G. Giroussens, T. Mangeat, A. Sentenac. Super-resolution capacity of variance-based stochastic fluorescence microscopy. In Physical Review A ; éd. American Physical Society, 2024, vol. 109, num. 3.
- [4] L. Mazzella, T. Mangeat, G. Giroussens, B. Rogez, H. Li, J. Creff, M. Saadaoui, C. Martins, R. Bouzignac, S. Labouesse, J. Idier, F. Galland, M. Allain, A. Sentenac, L. Le Goff. Extended-depth of field random illumination microscopy, EDF-RIM, provides super-resolved projective imaging. In Light: Science and Applications ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2024, vol. 13.
- [5] K. Affannoukoué, S. Labouesse, G. Maire, L. Gallais, J. Savatier, M. Allain, M. Rasedujjaman, L. Le Goff, J. Idier, R. Poincloux, F. Pelletier, C. Leterrier, T. Mangeat, A. Sentenac. Super-resolved total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy using random illuminations. In Optica ; éd. Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing, 2023, vol. 10, num. 8.
- [6] Y. Zhu, S. Acounis, N. Beaupère, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, D. Cai, C. Canot, T. Carlier, M. Cherel, J. Cussonneau, S. Diglio, D. Giovagnoli, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, P. Le Ray, F. Lefèvre, J. Masbou, E. Morteau, J. Stutzmann, D. Visvikis, Y. Xing, D. Thers, J. Idier. Studies and optimization of scintillation light measurements for the development of the 3-gamma medical imaging XEMIS2 liquid xenon Compton camera. In Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment ; éd. Elsevier, 2023, vol. 1047.
- [7] J. Antoni, J. Idier, S. Bourguignon. A Bayesian interpretation of the L-curve. In Inverse Problems ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2023, vol. 39, num. 6.
- [8] D. Förster, L. Liberti, A. Mucherino, J. Lin, T. Malliavin, J. Idier. Low-resolution description of the conformational space for intrinsically disordered proteins. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2022.
- [9] M. Millardet, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, D. Mateus, M. Conti, C. Bailly, S. Stute, T. Carlier. A Multiobjective Comparative Analysis of Reconstruction Algorithms in the Context of Low-Statistics 90 Y-PET Imaging. In IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 6, num. 6.
- [10] M. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier, V. Martin. Statistical Destriping of Pushbroom-Type Images Based on an Affine Detector Response. In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 60.
- [11] N. Laroche, E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, A. Duclos, P. Lhuillier. Super-resolution ultrasonic imaging of close reflectors in coarse-grained steels based on a deconvolution approach. In Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2022, vol. 41, num. 66.
- [12] M. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier. Efficient Sampling of Bernoulli-Gaussian-Mixtures for Sparse Signal Restoration. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022, vol. 70.
- [13] M. Castagna, S. Levilly, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, S. Moussaoui, J. Rousset, F. Bonnefoy, J. Idier, J. Serfaty, D. Le Touzé. An LDV based method to quantify the error of PC-MRI derived Wall Shear Stress measurement. In Scientific Reports ; éd. Nature Publishing Group, 2021, vol. 11, num. 1.
- [14] N. Laroche, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, E. Carcreff, A. Duclos. Fast non-stationary deconvolution of ultrasonic beamformed images for nondestructive testing. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging ; éd. IEEE, 2021, vol. 7.
- [15] P. Trouvé-Peloux, F. Champagnat, G. Le Besnerais, G. Druart, J. Idier. Performance model of depth from defocus with an unconventional camera. In Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2021, vol. 38, num. 10.
- [16] V. Leplat, N. Gillis, J. Idier. Multiplicative Updates for NMF with $\beta$-Divergences under Disjoint Equality Constraints. In SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications ; éd. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2021, vol. 42, num. 2.
- [17] T. Mangeat, S. Labouesse, M. Allain, A. Negash, E. Martin, A. Guénolé, R. Poincloux, C. Estibal, A. Bouissou, S. Cantaloube, E. Vega, T. Li, C. Rouvière, S. Allard, D. Keller, V. Debarnot, X. Wang, G. Michaux, M. Pinot, R. Le Borgne, S. Tournier, M. Suzanne, J. Idier, A. Sentenac. Super-resolved live-cell imaging using Random Illumination Microscopy. In Cell Reports Methods ; éd. Cell Press Elsevier, 2021, vol. 1, num. 1.
- [18] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. K-step analysis of orthogonal greedy algorithms for non-negative sparse representations. In Signal Processing ; éd. Elsevier, 2021, vol. 188.
- [19] M. Millardet, S. Moussaoui, D. Mateus, J. Idier, T. Carlier. Local-mean preserving post-processing step for non-negativity enforcement in PET imaging: application to 90 Y-PET. In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 39.
- [20] N. Laroche, S. Bourguignon, E. Carcreff, J. Idier, A. Duclos. An inverse approach for ultrasonic imaging from full matrix capture data. Application to resolution enhancement in NDT.. In IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, vol. 67, num. 9.
- [21] S. Levilly, M. Castagna, J. Idier, F. Bonnefoy, D. Le Touzé, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, S. Moussaoui, J. Serfaty. Towards Quantitative Evaluation of Wall Shear Stress from 4D Flow Imaging. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; éd. Elsevier, 2020.
- [22] C. Friedrich, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, Y. Goussard. Three-Dimensional Microwave Imaging: Fast and Accurate Computations with Block Resolution Algorithms. In Sensors ; éd. MDPI, 2020, vol. 20, num. 21.
- [23] J. Duan, C. Soussen, D. Brie, J. Idier, Y. Wang, M. Wan. A parallelizable framework for segmenting piecewise signals. In IEEE Access ; éd. IEEE, 2019, vol. 7.
- [24] A. David, D. Le Touzé, T. Le Tourneau, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, F. Bonnefoy, J. Idier, S. Moussaoui, P. Guérin, J. Serfaty. In-vitro validation of 4D flow MRI measurements with an experimental pulsatile flow model. In Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging ; éd. Elsevier, 2019, vol. 100, num. 1.
- [25] J. Duan, J. Idier, Y. Wang, M. Wan. A Joint Least Squares and Least Absolute Deviation Model. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, vol. 26, num. 4.
- [26] T. Nguyen, J. Idier, C. Soussen, E. Djermoune. Non-negative orthogonal greedy algorithms. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, vol. 67, num. 21.
- [27] A. Negash, S. Labouesse, P. Chaumet, K. Belkebir, H. Giovannini, M. Allain, J. Idier, A. Sentenac. Two-photon speckle illumination for super-resolution microscopy. In Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2018, vol. 35, num. 6.
- [28] C. Mehl, J. Idier, B. Fiorina. Evaluation of deconvolution modelling applied to numerical combustion. In Combustion Theory and Modelling ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2018, vol. 22, num. 1.
- [29] J. Idier, S. Labouesse, M. Allain, P. Liu, S. Bourguignon, A. Sentenac. On the super-resolution capacity of imagers using unknown speckle illuminations. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging ; éd. IEEE, 2018, vol. 4, num. 1.
- [30] G. Collewet, S. Moussaoui, C. Deligny, T. Lucas, J. Idier. Multi-tissue partial volume quantification in multi-contrast MRI using an optimised spectral unmixing approach. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; éd. Elsevier, 2018, vol. 49.
- [31] J. Cussonneau, J. Abaline, S. Acounis, N. Beaupere, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, P. Briend, J. Butterworth, T. Carlier, H. Chanal, M. Chérel, M. Dahoumane, S. Diglio, L. Gallego-Manzano, D. Giovagnoli, J. Idier, F. Kraeber-Bodere, F. Lefebvre, O. Lemaire, P. Le Ray, S. Manen, J. Masbou, H. Mathez, E. Morteau, N. Pillet, L. Royer, M. Staempflin, J. Stutzmann, R. Vandaele, L. Virone, D. Visvikis, Y. Xing, Y. Zhu, D. Thers. 3gamma medical imaging with a liquid xenon Compton Camera and 44Sc radionuclide. In Acta Physica Polonica B ; éd. Jagellonian University, Cracow, 2017, vol. 48, num. 10.
- [32] S. Labouesse, M. Allain, J. Idier, A. Negash, T. Mangeat, P. Liu, A. Sentenac, S. Bourguignon. Joint reconstruction strategy for structured illumination microscopy with unknown illuminations. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017, vol. 26, num. 5.
- [33] J. Picaud, G. Collewet, J. Idier. Quantification of mass fat fraction in fish using water–fat separation MRI. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 34, num. 1.
- [34] A. Negash, S. Labouesse, N. Sandeau, M. Allain, H. Giovannini, J. Idier, R. Heintzmann, P. Chaumet, K. Belkebir, A. Sentenac. Improving the axial and lateral resolution of three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy using random speckle illuminations. In Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2016, vol. 33.
- [35] R. Amhaz, S. Chambon, J. Idier, V. Baltazart. Automatic Crack Detection on Two-Dimensional Pavement Images: An Algorithm Based on Minimal Path Selection. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems ; éd. IEEE, 2016, vol. 17, num. 10.
- [36] J. Duan, C. Soussen, D. Brie, J. Idier, M. Wan, Y. Wang. Generalized LASSO with under-determined regularization matrices. In Signal Processing ; éd. Elsevier, 2016, vol. 127.
- [37] C. Gilavert, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier. Efficient Gaussian Sampling for Solving Large-Scale Inverse Problems using MCMC. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 63, num. 01.
- [38] C. Soussen, J. Idier, J. Duan, D. Brie. Homotopy based algorithms for L0-regularized least-squares. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2015, vol. 63, num. 13.
- [39] C. Friedrich, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, Y. Goussard. Reconstruction of 3-D Microwave Images based on a Block-BiCGStab Algorithm. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series ; éd. IOP Science, 2015, vol. 657.
- [40] P. Trouvé-Peloux, F. Champagnat, G. Le Besnerais, J. Idier. A theoretical performance model for single image depth from defocus. In Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics, Image Science, and Vision ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2014, vol. 31, num. 12.
- [41] E. Chouzenoux, M. Legendre, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier. Fast constrained least squares spectral unmixing using primal-dual interior point optimization. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing ; éd. IEEE, 2014, vol. 7, num. 1.
- [42] E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, L. Simon. A linear model approach for ultrasonic inverse problems with attenuation and dispersion. In IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, vol. 61, num. 7.
- [43] G. Collewet, J. Bugeon, J. Idier, S. Quellec, B. Quittet, M. Cambert, P. Haffray. Rapid quantification of muscle fat content and subcutaneous adipose tissue in fish using MRI. In Food Chemistry ; éd. Elsevier, 2013, vol. 138, num. 2-3.
- [44] P. Trouve, F. Champagnat, G. Le Besnerais, J. Sabater, T. Avignon, J. Idier. Passive depth estimation using chromatic aberration and a depth from defocus approach. In Applied optics ; éd. Optical Society of America, 2013, vol. 52, num. 29.
- [45] C. Soussen, R. Gribonval, J. Idier, C. Herzet. Joint k-step analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit and Orthogonal Least Squares. In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, vol. 59, num. 5.
- [46] C. Herzet, C. Soussen, J. Idier, R. Gribonval. Exact recovery conditions for sparse representations with partial support information. In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013, vol. 59, num. 11.
- [47] C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Carcreff, L. Simon, C. Potel. Ultrasonic non destructive testing based on sparse deconvolution. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series ; éd. IOP Science, 2012, vol. 353.
- [48] E. Chouzenoux, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier. Majorize-minimize linesearch for inversion methods involving barrier function optimization. In Inverse Problems ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2012, vol. 28, num. 6.
- [49] J. Duan, C. Soussen, D. Brie, J. Idier, Y. Wang. On LARS/homotopy equivalence conditions for over-determined LASSO. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012, vol. 19, num. 12.
- [50] C. Févotte, J. Idier. Algorithms for nonnegative matrix factorization with the beta-divergence. In Neural Computation ; éd. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press), 2011, vol. 23, num. 9.
- [51] E. Chouzenoux, J. Idier, S. Moussaoui. A majorize-minimize strategy for subspace optimization applied to image restoration. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011, vol. 20, num. 6.
- [52] P. Barrière, J. Idier, Y. Goussard, J. Laurin. Contrast source inversion method applied to relatively high contrast objects. In Inverse Problems ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2011, vol. 27.
- [53] D. Ge, J. Idier, . Le Carpentier. Enhanced sampling schemes for MCMC based blind Bernoulli-Gaussian deconvolution. In Signal Processing ; éd. Elsevier, 2011, vol. 91, num. 4.
- [54] D. Ge, E. Le Carpentier, J. Idier, D. Farina. Spike sorting by stochastic simulation.. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering ; éd. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011, vol. 19, num. 3.
- [55] C. Soussen, J. Idier, D. Brie, J. Duan. From Bernoulli-Gaussian deconvolution to sparse signal restoration. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011, vol. 59, num. 10.
- [56] L. Risser, T. Vincent, F. Forbes, J. Idier, P. Ciuciu. Min-max extrapolation scheme for fast estimation of 3D Potts field partition functions. Application to the joint detection-estimation of brain activity in fMRI. In Journal of Signal Processing Systems ; éd. Springer, 2011, vol. 65, num. 3.
- [57] E. Chouzenoux, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, F. Mariette. Efficient maximum entropy reconstruction of nuclear magnetic resonance T1-T2 spectra. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010, vol. 58, num. 12.
- [58] H. Carfantan, J. Idier. Statistical linear destriping of satellite-based pushbroom-type images. In IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010, vol. 48, num. 4.
- [59] P. Barrière, J. Idier, Y. Goussard, J. Laurin. Fast solutions of the 2D inverse scattering problem based on a TSVD approximation of the internal field for the forward model. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010, vol. 58, num. 12.
- [60] C. Labat, J. Idier. Convergence of conjugate gradient methods with a closed-form stepsize formula. In Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2008, vol. 136, num. 1.
- [61] C. Soussen, J. Idier. Reconstruction of 3D localized objects from limited angle X-ray projections: an approach based on sparsity and multigrid image representation. In Journal of Electronic Imaging ; éd. SPIE and IS&T, 2008, vol. 17, num. 3.
- [62] S. Makni, J. Idier, T. Vincent, B. Thirion, G. Dehaene-Lambertz, P. Ciuciu. A fully Bayesian approach to the parcel-based detection-estimation of brain activity in fMRI.. In NeuroImage ; éd. Elsevier, 2008, vol. 41, num. 3.
- [63] M. Allain, J. Idier. Efficient binary reconstruction for non destructive evaluation using gammagraphy. In Inverse Problems ; éd. IOP Publishing, 2007, vol. 23, num. 4.
- [64] S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, J. Idier. A sparsity-based method for the estimation of spectral lines from irregularly sampled data. In IEEE J. Selected Topics Sig. Proc., Issue: Convex Optimization Methods for Signal Processing, vol. 1, num. 4. 2007
- [65] T. Vincent, P. Ciuciu, J. Idier. Application and validation of spatial mixture modelling for the joint detection-estimation of brain activity in fMRI.. In Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007, vol. 2007.
- [66] H. Snoussi, J. Idier. Bayesian Blind Separation of Generalized Hyperbolic Processes in Noisy and Underdeterminate Mixtures. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2006, vol. 54, num. 9.
- [67] M. Allain, J. Idier, Y. Goussard. On global and local convergence of half-quadratic algorithms. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2006, vol. 15, num. 5.
- [68] P. Ciuciu, J. Poline, G. Marrelec, J. Idier, C. Pallier, H. Benali. Unsupervised robust nonparametric estimation of the hemodynamic response function for any fMRI experiment.. In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2003, vol. 22, num. 10.
- [69] P. Ciuciu, J. Idier. A half-quadratic block-coordinate descent method for spectral estimation. In Signal Processing ; éd. Elsevier, 2002, vol. 82.
- [70] P. Ciuciu, J. Idier, J. Giovannelli. Regularized estimation of mixed spectra using a circular Gibbs-Markov model. In IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing ; éd. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2001, vol. 49, num. 10.
- [71] E. Chouzenoux, S. Moussaoui, M. Legendre, J. Idier. Algorithme primal-dual de points intérieurs pour l'estimation pénalisée des cartes d'abondances en imagerie hyperspectrale. In Traitement du Signal ; éd. Lavoisier, 2013, vol. 30, num. 1-2.
- [72] T. Veit, J. Idier, S. Moussaoui. Rééchantillonnage de l'échelle dans les algorithmes MCMC pour les problèmes inverses bilinéaires. In Traitement du Signal ; éd. Lavoisier, 2008, vol. 25, num. 4/5.
- [73] M. Davy, S. Godsill, J. Idier. Bayesian Analysis of Polyphonic western tonal Music. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ; éd. Acoustical Society of America, 2006, vol. 119, num. 4.
- [74] G. Demoment, J. Idier. PROBLÈMES INVERSES ET DÉCONVOLUTION. In Journal de Physique IV Proceedings ; éd. EDP Sciences, 1992, vol. 02, num. C1.
- [75] J. Mallejac, J. Idier, C. Soussen, X. Li. Joint decomposition of multichannel signals with multimarginal optimal transport. In European Signal Processing Conference, août 2024, Lyon, France.
- [76] Y. Zhang, C. Huneau, J. Idier, D. Mateus. Ultrasound Imaging based on the Variance of a Diffusion Restoration Model. In European Signal Processing Conference, août 2024, Lyon, France.
- [77] M. Latif, J. Idier, T. Carlier, S. Stute. Multi-class maximum likelihood expectation-maximization list-mode image reconstruction. In International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully3D 2023), juillet 2023, Stony Brook, états-Unis.
- [78] M. Montginoux, F. Weissgerber, S. Lobry, J. Idier. Évaluation du couvert neigeux à partir d'images SAR par apprentissage profond basé sur des images optiques de référence. In 29e colloque GRETSI, août 2023, Grenoble, France.
- [79] M. Traoré, G. Simonini, Y. Goude, M. Lagrange, A. Girard, J. Idier. Forecasting axial offset using tree-based models: a step towards improved nuclear power plants manoeuvrability. In International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, août 2023, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
- [80] G. Giroussens, M. Allain, A. Sentenac, J. Idier, S. Labouesse, T. Mangeat. Méthodes d'inversion rapide pour RIM (Random Illumination Microscopy). In GRETSI 2023, août 2023, Grenoble (38000), France.
- [81] R. Abi Rizk, S. Bourguignon, N. Laroche, C. Huneau, E. Carcreff, J. Idier. Exploitation du screening pour une reconstruction accélérée en imagerie ultrasonore pour le CND. In XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, août 2023, Grenoble, France.
- [82] Y. Zhang, C. Huneau, J. Idier, D. Mateus. Ultrasound Image Reconstruction with Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models. In Deep Generative Models workshop at MICCAI 2023, octobre 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
- [83] C. Huneau, F. Rigal, J. Idier. Estimateur explicite de modèles polynomiaux inverses par moindres carrés pondérés. In 28e colloque GRETSI, septembre 2022, Nancy, France.
- [84] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, A. Sentenac, T. Mangeat, M. Allain. Random Illumination Microscopy from Variance Images. In EUSIPCO 2020, janvier 2021, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
- [85] M. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier. A Partially Collapsed Gibbs Sampler for Unsupervised Nonnegative Sparse Signal Restoration. In ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), juin 2021, Toronto, Canada.
- [86] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, A. Sentenac, M. Allain, T. Mangeat. Proof of the resolution-doubling of Random Illumination Microscopy using the variance of the speckled images. In 2021 29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), août 2021, Dublin, Irlande.
- [87] R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier. A Greedy Sparse Approximation Algorithm Based On L1-Norm Selection Rules. In ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), mai 2020, Barcelona, Espagne.
- [88] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. Exact recovery analysis of non-negative greedy algorithms. In GDR MIA, journée Optimisation parcimonieuse non-convexe, octobre 2020, Toulouse, France.
- [89] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, A. Sentenac, T. Mangeat. Uniqueness of the Random Illumination Microscopy Variance Equation. In International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques, décembre 2020, Online, France.
- [90] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. Exact recovery analysis of non-negative orthogonal greedy algorithms. In International Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques, iTWIST 2020, décembre 2020, Nantes, France.
- [91] N. Laroche, E. Carcreff, J. Idier, A. Duclos, S. Bourguignon. An inverse problem framework for ultrasonic imaging in attenuative and dispersive media. In Forum Acusticum, décembre 2020, Lyon, France.
- [92] Y. Zhu, S. Acounis, N. Beaupère, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, C. Canot, T. Carlier, M. Cherel, J. Cussonneau, S. Diglio, D. Giovagnoli, J. Idier, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, P. Le Ray, F. Lefèvre, J. Masbou, E. Morteau, J. Stutzmann, D. Thers, D. Visvikis, Y. Xing. XEMIS2: A liquid xenon Compton camera to image small animals. In IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, juin 2019, Roma, Italie.
- [93] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. Exact recovery analysis of non-negative orthogonal matching pursuit. In Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations Workshop, SPARS 2019, juillet 2019, Toulouse, France.
- [94] T. Nguyen, C. Soussen, J. Idier, E. Djermoune. NP-hardness of $\ell$0 minimization problems: revision and extension to the non-negative setting. In 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, SampTA 2019, juillet 2019, Bordeaux, France.
- [95] M. Castagna, S. Levilly, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, F. Bonnefoy, J. Idier, J. Serfaty, D. Le Touzé. An in Vitro and in Silico Validation Study for PC MRI and Derived Bio‐markers. In 31st Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography conference (SMRA 2019), août 2019, Nantes, France.
- [96] N. Laroche, S. Bourguignon, E. Carcreff, J. Idier, A. Duclos. Fast inverse approach for the deconvolution of ultrasonic TFM images using a spatially varying PSF in NDT. In 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), octobre 2019, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni.
- [97] Y. Xing, M. Abaline, S. Acounis, N. Beaupere, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, C. Canot, T. Carlier, H. Chanal, M. Cherel, J. Cussonneau, S. Diglio, D. Giovagnoli, J. Idier, F. Kraeber-Bodere, P. Le Ray, F. Lefevre, S. Manen, J. Masbou, E. Morteau, N. Pillet, D. Roy, L. Royer, J. Stutzmann, R. Vandaele, D. Visvikis, Y. Zhu, D. Thers. Direct Measurement of Ionization Charges in Single-phase Liquid Xenon Compton Telescope for 3γ Medical Imaging. In 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), octobre 2019, Manchester, Royaume-Uni.
- [98] Y. Zhu, S. Acounis, N. Beaupere, J. Beney, J. Bert, S. Bouvier, C. Canot, T. Carlier, M. Cherel, J. Cussonneau, S. Diglio, D. Giovagnoli, J. Idier, F. Kraeber-Bodere, P. Ray, F. Lefevre, J. Masbou, E. Morteau, J. Stutzmann, D. Visvikis, Y. Xing, D. Thers. XEMIS2 Liquid Xenon Compton Camera for Small Animal 3γ Medical Imaging: Scintillation Light Measurement. In 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), octobre 2019, Manchester, Royaume-Uni.
- [99] N. Laroche, E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, A. Duclos. An Inverse Approach for Ultrasonic Imaging by Total Focusing Point for Close Reflectors Separation. In 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), octobre 2018, Kobe, Japon.
- [100] M. Millardet, S. Moussaoui, D. Mateus, J. Idier, M. Conti, T. Carlier. A comparative study of AML, NEGML and OSEM based on experimental and clinical 90Y-PET data using the CASToR platform. In Medical Imaging Conference, novembre 2018, Sydney, Australie.
- [101] S. Labouesse, A. Negash, J. Idier, S. Bourguignon, T. Mangeat, P. Liu. Fast reconstruction in blind fluorescence structured illumination microscopy. In OSA Conference : Imaging and Applied Optics, 2017, San Francisco, états-Unis.
- [102] S. Levilly, J. Idier, F. Bonnefoy, D. Le Touzé, P. Paul-Gilloteaux, S. Moussaoui, J. Serfaty. Filtrage spatio-temporel en IRM de flux sanguin 4D. In XXVIème colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, septembre 2017, Juan-Les-Pins, France.
- [103] Q. Jiang, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, G. Collewet, M. Xu. Majorization-Minimization Algorithms for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Magnetic Resonance Images. In Seventh IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA'2017), novembre 2017, Montréal, Canada.
- [104] P. Liu, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, M. Allain, S. Labouesse, A. Sentenac. A marginal image reconstruction approach in fluorescence microscopy with pseudo-random illumination patterns. In OSA Conference : Imaging and Applied Optics, 2016, Heidelberg, Allemagne.
- [105] S. Labouesse, J. Idier, P. Liu, M. Allain, S. Bourguignon, A. Sentenac. Super-resolution capacity of imagers using random illuminations. In OSA Conference : Imaging and Applied Optics, 2016, Heidelberg, Allemagne.
- [106] S. Labouesse, M. Allain, A. Negash, P. Liu, A. Sentenac, J. Idier, S. Bourguignon. Fluorescence blind structured illumination microscopy: a new reconstruction strategy. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, septembre 2016, Phoenix, états-Unis.
- [107] C. Friedrich, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, Y. Goussard. Faster resolution of the 3-D forward problems in microwave imaging by a Partial-Block BiCGStab algorithm. In 2015 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), avril 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
- [108] N. Kumar, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, D. Brie. Impact of sparse representation on the admissible solutions of spectral unmixing by non-negative matrix factorization. In 7th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, WHISPERS 2015, juin 2015, Tokyo, Japon.
- [109] J. Duan, C. Soussen, D. Brie, J. Idier, Y. Wang, M. Wan. An optimal method to segment piecewise Poisson distributed signals with application to sequencing data. In 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2015, août 2015, Milan, Italie.
- [110] J. Picaud, G. Collewet, J. Idier. Correction of RF inhomogeneities for high throughput water and fat quantification by MRI. In The fifth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA'15, novembre 2015, Orléans, France.
- [111] E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, A. Duclos, L. Simon, J. Idier. Detection of Flat Bottom Holes Using Sparse Deconvolution. In ICU 2015 International Congress on Ultrasonics, mai 2015, Metz, France.In Physics Procedia ; éd. Elsevier, 2015, vol. 70.
- [112] M. Legendre, S. Moussaoui, E. Chouzenoux, J. Idier. Primal-dual Interior-Point Optimization Based on Majorization-Minimization for Edge-Preserving Spectral Unmixing. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, octobre 2014, Paris, France.
- [113] R. Amhaz, S. Chambon, J. Idier, V. Baltazart. A new minimal path selection algorithm for automatic crack detection on pavement images. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), octobre 2014, Paris, France.
- [114] C. Laluc, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, A. Clement. Prédiction court-terme de la hauteur des vagues pour la commande d'un houlogénérateur. In GRETSI 2013, 2013, Brest, France.
- [115] E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, L. Simon. RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT OF ULTRASONIC SIGNALS BY UP-SAMPLED SPARSE DECONVOLUTION. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), mai 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
- [116] E. Chouzenoux, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, F. Mariette. Primal-dual interior point optimization for a regularized reconstruction of NMR relaxation time distributions. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), mai 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
- [117] M. Legendre, S. Moussaoui, F. Schmidt, J. Idier. Parallel implementation of a primal-dual interior-point optimization method for fast abundance maps estimation. In Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), juin 2013, Gainesville, états-Unis.
- [118] P. Trouve, F. Champagnat, G. Le Besnerais, G. Druart, J. Idier. Design of a chromatic 3D camera with an end-to-end performance model approach. In 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CVPR workshop), juin 2013, Portland, états-Unis.
- [119] C. Soussen, C. Herzet, J. Idier, R. Gribonval. Unrecoverable subsets by OMP and Basis Pursuit. In Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations, SPARS 2013, juillet 2013, Lausanne, Suisse.
- [120] C. Gilavert, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier. Rééchantillonnage gaussien en grande dimension pour les problèmes inverses. In Colloque GRETSI pour le Traitement du Signal et des Images, septembre 2013, Brest, France.
- [121] C. Laluc, S. Moussaoui, J. Idier, A. Clément. Prédiction court-terme de la hauteur des vagues pour la commande d'un houlogénérateur. In XXIVe colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, septembre 2013, Brest, France.
- [122] E. Carcreff, S. Bourguignon, J. Idier, L. Simon.